Written by: Cristina Tullio, RN, BNI

In our digital age, screens are everywhere. From TVs and tablets to smartphones and gaming consoles, our little ones, especially children under 5 years old are growing up in a world buzzing with electronic activity. While these devices offer fantastic opportunities for learning and discovery, it’s important to manage how much time our young children spend with them to ensure it doesn’t negatively impact their development and health.
When considering how much time your child spends looking at screens, it is important to include all digital devices used at home, childcare centres, and schools.
Please note: The recommendations below are intended for typically developing children. If your child has special needs, speak to your KixNurse to learn more about recommendations and advice unique to your child’s particular needs.
Understanding Screen Time for Little Ones
- For the tiniest members of our families (under 2 years old): Experts recommend avoiding screen time altogether to maximize interactions that support their rapid development.
- For the curious toddlers aged 2 to 5 years: Keeping screen time under one hour per day helps make room for lots of playing, exploring, and learning—all essential for their growth.
Why Should We Watch the Clock on Screen Time?
Limiting your child’s screen time will help them utilize more opportunities to learn in real-time through social interaction, reading, playing outdoors, creating, and spending time with family!
Too much screen time can lead to several challenges:
- It can make it harder for kids to stay at a healthy weight
- It can disrupt their sleep patterns
- Increased risks of mental health concerns
- Increased risks of academic concerns
- Decreased social interactions with friends or family
Beyond this, too many hours in front of screens can cause physical discomfort like headaches, blurred vision, and poor posture.
How to set limits
It is important to note that setting limits when children are young is more manageable than cutting back when they’re older and have already gotten used to using digital media in excess. Creating healthy habits is always easier than fixing learned bad habits!
Here are some KixTips to help limit screen time:
- Set a Good Example: Show your children how to balance screen time by managing your own.
- Create Family Rules: No devices at dinner or turning off screens at least 1-2 hours before bedtime.
- Turn off Screens When Not in Use: Ensure that devices like TVs and tablets are turned off when not in use to avoid unnecessary screen exposure.
- Encourage Fun Alternatives: There’s a whole world outside of screens—arts and crafts, games, storytime, and outdoor adventures await!
Is it okay to use screens to calm or distract my child?
Screen time might help at the moment but repetitively used, over a long period, can contribute to your child not being able to cope with new or potentially stressful situations without them. Talk to your KixNurse to learn new strategies for calming your child or helping with daily transitions.
How do I select the right content for my child?
- Watch together: When possible, make screen time an interactive activity that you and your child do together. Watch programs alongside your child and discuss what you’re seeing to enhance their understanding and engagement.
- Choose the right programs: Select programs and apps that are both educational and suitable for your child’s age. Look for content that aligns with their learning goals and encourages active participation.
- Stick to familiar programs: Opt for programs that you’re familiar with and trust. This helps you gauge the content’s suitability for your child.
- Avoid commercial and adult entertainment: Steer clear of content that includes excessive commercial advertising or features themes and topics that are more appropriate for adult audiences. Instead, prioritize content that is specifically geared to their age group.
- Use media rating systems: Take advantage of media rating systems to guide your viewing choices. These systems provide valuable information about the content’s suitability for different age groups.
My child is upset because screen time was removed. How should I handle this?
Handling a child upset over the removal of screen time can be challenging, but here are some helpful steps you can use to address the situation:
1. Active Listening: Start by calmly empathizing with your child’s feelings. Let them express why they’re upset about the removal of screen time without interrupting or judging them, and remain calm and understanding. Encourage open communication with your child and reassure them that their feelings are valid. Let them know they can come to you if they have concerns or need support adjusting to the new routine. Avoid yelling or getting upset at them.
2. Explain why: Communicate the reasons behind the decision to remove screen time for your child. It is important that they understand it is not a punishment but rather for their well-being. Make sure they understand the expectations for screen time that you have introduced in the household and that this applies to everyone and not just them.
3. Offer Alternative Activities: Provide alternative activities for your child to enjoy instead of screen time. This could include outdoor play, creative hobbies, reading, or any other healthy activity your child likes.
4. Positive Reinforcement: Acknowledge and celebrate any progress your child makes in adapting to the changes in screen time usage. Positive reinforcement can help motivate them to continue making good progress.
5. Be Patient: Understand that it may take some time for your child to adjust to a new routine and accept changes. Perseverance and patience are key.
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